MSH Medical Europe

Together for better health

We are the first company in Germany to offer comprehensive services and web-based service platforms that make outpatient ECG examinations for patients, practices and clinics easy and efficient. The acquisition and evaluation of even long data series is convenient and time-saving with our solutions. The fast availability of meaningful results is the focus of our innovative technology.

Our technologies provide sustainable impulses for close cooperation between patients, practices and clinics.

A vision that fascinates us and that we have been implementing with great commitment since our foundation in 2013. In Great Britain we support the multi-year study by UKBioBank and Preventice Boston Scientifc.

MSH Medical Europe GmbH is a subsidiary of MySmartHeart AG in Zurich, Switzerland.

Our team

for many years successfully in contact with patients, practices and clinics

Gian-Luca Pfenninger

Business development

Michèle Schlegel

Customer Relationship Marketing
EKG team

Adelisa Vucelj

Business development

Paulina Geers


Christian Geers

Board President / Founder

Nora Frei

EKG team

Vito Melchionna

Application manager

Aaron Schmidt

Application manager

Katja Locher

Clinical Services
EKG team

Magda Yoo

Business development
EKG team

Dr. Thomas Billeter

CFO / founder
EKG team

PD Dr. med. David Hürlimann

Medical Advisor / Founder
EKG team

Wolfgang Werner

Data protection / quality management officer
EKG team

Karla Munoz Cedeno

EKG team

Carolina Isler

Customer Success Manager
EKG team

Victor Etter

Data Scientist


Dieser Bereich der Website richtet sich ausschliesslich an medizinische Fachpersonen (Ärzte, Pflegeberufe, Spitalverwaltung, Krankenkassen etc.).

Patienten Informationen sind nicht enthalten.

Order a free test kit

See for yourself
  • You define the investigation period (24 hours – 30 days)
  • The test kits are delivered directly to your practice without obligations
  • Convince yourself of our informative report and yours Time saving
EKG test kit